These tasty burgers incorporate shredded Gruyère cheese and Dijon mustard in the patty, rather than on top, which prevents the bun from getting soggy....
Enjoy this simple roast turkey recipe for Thanksgiving or an extra-special dinner during the week. Make sure you use a bone-in turkey breast for this recipe-it's...
Getting a great-tasting turkey on the Thanksgiving table is easier than you might think. Here, the bird is rubbed with a flavorful mixture of butter and...
Looking for a healthy version of everyone's favorite comfort food? Try this recipe for turkey meatloaf, which is delicious on its own or served in between...
No matter how you slice it, this turkey can be used in a variety of ways. Serve it for Thanksgiving, sliced over salad, or thinly sliced and pressed between...
Flavorful rosemary-lemon oil is great for the turkey-it helps create crispy, golden-brown and an aromatic, earthy flavor. You can also use it to season...
It takes only 30 minutes to make a steaming bowl of this satisfying and comforting chili. Cannellini beans and ground white turkey meat are two healthy...
Brined to retain moisture, then basted with butter and wine while roasting, this turkey, the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving meal, is golden and juicy....
Enjoy this two-in-one turkey and stuffing recipe for Thanksgiving. Autumnal ingredients such as sage and dried cranberries add lively flavor to this hearty...
Get all the flavor of a slow-simmered chili in less than half the time with this speedy, family-friendly recipe. It's packed with ground turkey, jalapeño...
This traditional holiday bird brings much more to the table than just great taste. Our version, which is packed with protein, is rubbed with a blend of...
Baste your Thanksgiving turkey with a sweet-and-savory mixture of maple syrup, Dijon mustard, and fresh thyme-the glaze yields a super-flavorful bird....
Ground turkey is sautéed with chopped onion, chili powder, tomato paste, and chicken broth in these easy, family-friendly tacos. Stuff them into hard...
Don't relegate turkey to the holidays-marinate and grill the breast for a satisfying warm-weather main dish. Boneless, skinless turkey breasts are seasoned...
Don't relegate a stuffed bird to Thanksgiving only; this turkey recipe, which roasts over a bed of parsnips, onion, celery, carrots, celeriac, and white...
You only need three ingredients-plus salt and pepper-to create this perfect roast turkey. The secret is placing the bird over a buttered loaf of ciabatta...
Keeping your bird juicy isn't that hard-all you need is the right seasoning and a really large fridge. Brining is the first step in our roasted turkey...
The robust flavor of turkey breast goes particularly well with a mustardy pan sauce made with dry white wine and lots of freshly chopped parsley. Serve...
Looking for a leaner twist on classic spaghetti and meatballs? Try this version, which is made with ground turkey mixed with onion, breadcrumbs, Parmesan...
Add plenty of earthy, citrus flavor to whole turkey breast with fresh flat-leaf parsley, sage, and orange zest. A delicious gravy is made with chicken...
Slowly bring out the flavor and tenderness of turkey legs by cooking them low and slow with herbs such as fresh sage, bay leaves, parsley, and thyme. It's...
Roll up your sleeves for this neat, nourishing rendition of a meat-and-tomatoes favorite. Use ground turkey as a smart stand-in for ground chuck in a range...
White-meat turkey is lower in calories and fat than traditional burgers, but when you top this version with melted Swiss cheese, roasted red peppers, arugula,...
Give your Thanksgiving main dish a smoky twist with this recipe. A firestarter chimney or second smaller grill is essential to barbecuing turkey. For best...
Syrian Aleppo pepper is mildly spicy, smoky, and complex. This recipe calls for a generous amount because most of it ends up in our gravy recipe, giving...
This nourishing turkey sandwich recipe is a genius use of Thanksgiving leftovers. Sliced roasted turkey is stacked between slices of cheddar, tart apple,...
Roast turkey is one of the most simple, satisfying meals and this recipe is no exception. Rub the turkey with butter, then sprinkle on poultry seasoning...
Ground dark turkey meat has a more bold flavor than its white meat counterpart and is ready to stand up to sharp cheddar in these deliciously classic cheeseburgers...
The pomegranate glaze makes for a beautiful, burnished bird. This turkey is delicious stuffed with Cornbread, Wild Mushroom, and Pecan Stuffing or Classic...
This fresh take on a family favorite makes a delicious dinner tonight and, later in the week, stars in a savory filling for Spinach-and-Turkey Hand Pies....
Kids will love the sweetness that apricots lend these spiced turkey meatballs-and the soft, almost fluffy consistency, since they don't get seared. The...
This lighter version of a traditional Hungarian stew includes lean turkey breast, reduced-fat sour cream, and whole-wheat noodles. It's the perfect 30-minute...
Holiday guests are sure to ask for seconds of this tender turkey breast from chef Emeril Lagasse. Pair with his Roasted Carrots with Fresh Thyme and Savory...
Here's a bright, fresh lunch that's ideal if, perhaps, you've overindulged (and delicious even if you haven't). A bit of lemony mayonnaise binds together...
Dry-brining a turkey ensures a moist and seasoned bird that also takes up less space in the refrigerator than a wet-brined one. Don't dry-brine a kosher...
Instead of the usual ground beef or red meat blend, this meatloaf recipe is made with ground turkey. It gets plenty of flavor from minced chipotle chiles,...
Mole is a traditional Mexican sauce infamous for it's laundry list of spices and complex flavor. This recipe takes the traditional route with the inclusion...